What Is Dating The Right Way? Do Christians Rush Marriage?
What is dating the right way? How do you not rush into relationship? In the faith-based community there are always a lot of pressures into being married or in a relationship because let's face it, the image of a "good Christian" is to have a spouse or significant other the grow with. This week on the Blessed Beatz Live show we answer those questions with relationship expert Tesslyn B. Marcus also has the top 10 songs of the week. Mark White stops by with the make a difference minute and the new music is coming in from all over the states.
Top 10 Songs
(6/10- 6/17)
10. Hard To Get- Dee -1 9. It’s The Vibe For Me - George Rose
8. Shackles- Coby James 7. God Put me on - Miles Minnnick 6. Move- Lecrae
5.WhatADay - No Big Dyl 4. 1k Phew The Offering 3. Wrist - Cannon 2 Blessed Mode- Kel Mitchell
1. King Jesus- KB
New Music
Just dropped this new one which we are hoping to get on the show as well.
This week we featured BTG- Bridge The Gap. Check it out here
"Hit The Share Button"
Miss Sue
Fresh fire🙌🙏🏿 …. New Music🎧
Listen to the entire show here