Pierre Jeanty discusses gentlemenhood™, Love & his new book HIM.

Pierre Alex Jeanty, authour and founder of Gentlemenhood™ sits with the founder and curator of Blessed Beatz Media, Marcus Sullivan, to share about his most recent project, HIM. His work primarily focuses on poetically sharing his journey, life lessons with love, and mistakes along the path of manhood. Pierre Jeanty's work is fueled on his vow to share the wisdom he acquired during his evolution of manhood. Jeanty harnesses an alluring passion to see men understand themselves and how they love.
Being that culture does not aid in the growth and development of the male understanding of his emotions, Pierre has made it is life's mission to aid in cultivating that journey. In his sit down with Marcus Sullivan he talks about his inspiration for his new book HIM and the journey that led him to birth his brand, "Gentlemenhood™".