Faith & Fashion -Koncrete Eden Sneaker Brand Tops In Industry

This week as we are in the holiday season we linked up with Koncrete Eden and talk the birth of Christian fashion. Koncrete Eden christian shoe brand empowering through faith & innovation, cultivating success in life, & wealth & self. Hear the latest in how to start a fashion brand, the growth of a company and how to stay inspired with a brand.
Check out their full site at

Mark White stops by with the make a difference minute. DJ wiz has a holiday mix to rock out with and Marcus Sullivan has the Top 10 songs on the week.
Top 10 Songs Of The Week
(12/16- 12/30)
10. Home Coming- Trip Lee 9. Trophy Gvng - Brandon P feat Mission 8. Jireh (My Provider) Lecrae & Hapi, Limoblaze 7. Fake It - Tauren Wells ft aaron cole
6. Holy Ground Tadashii 5 Be alright - Evan Craft 4. Spread The opps - Lecrae 3. I Ain’t Playing -Steven Malcolm 2 Up- Tauren Wells
1. KB Graves
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