No More Fear

We have all seen the quote that says the bible tells us "do not fear" or something similar 365 times; one for each day of the year. And we've heard countless sermons or lectures about how important it is or why it's mentioned so much. This is not one of those posts. This post is about why I gave up fear.
Have you ever felt stuck? Me too! I found out that we only feel "stuck" when we are afraid of something. Afraid to move, afraid to change, afraid to make a mistake, afraid to miss out, etc, etc, etc. When we feel stuck, we are actually feeling afraid that our choices will not lead us to good things. And as long as we stay where we are and who we are in that moment, at least we know what to expect. Does that resonate with you? Deep down, do you recognize your own fear that has made you feel stuck? Good! Because identifying is the first step towards change.
We only feel "stuck" when we are afraid of something
Once I noticed how much fear was controlling this aspect of my life, I began to see how many decisions I made based in fear. Some of these fears were labeled superstitions. Some of them were called being cautious. I convinced myself that I was being smart or responsible. But the truth is, I was simply letting fear, an unhealthy fear, ruin my life and keep me from being fulfilled.
I would get great ideas, then convince myself that it was stupid or no one wanted to hear from me. I would talk myself right out of my passions and purpose. Sometimes I would see or hear of someone else getting sick, and sure enough, I would end up sick too. I even canceled certain holidays and special events for my family because I was afraid that celebrating them would somehow rip me from God's arms or come back to haunt me somewhere down the road.
You see, I was afraid of everything. The key word in that sentence is WAS. I am no longer a slave to fear. The reason why is just as the song states; because I am confident that I am a child of God! The thing about fear is, it persuades you that you won't be taken care of. I wouldn't pursue the great ideas I came up with because I was afraid I would fail. I was also afraid I might succeed and that success would overwhelm me or turn me into a bad person. Both of those scenarios are rooted in not trusting that things will be ok.
With superstitions, usually the fear is death, harm, or bad luck that would make life difficult. The root of this fear is that life may not be good for me. It's a lack of trust.
Fear can make you stay in relationships that are toxic for you. Fear will make you keep secrets. Fear will make you suspicious of people and situations. Fear will cause you to see everything in a negative light, because fear is expecting something bad to happen.
Fear is expecting something bad to happen
What we expect, we get. Sometimes we project it onto others and become a self-fulfilling prophet. And it was this awareness that prompted me to give up fear. I believe that all things work for my good. I believe that nothing can ever separate me from the love of God. I believe that grace wins. That love wins. And that God's love for me is unconditional.
To me, that meant that I could trust whatever happened in my life because it would eventually work out for my good. I let go of a lot of expectations when I let go of fear. I stopped depending so much on the approval of others. I stopped caring about what people thought of me because my motives were pure. I began to live from a place of love instead of fear and it completely changed my life!
The bible says that you shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free. It says perfect love casts out fear. I would say that knowing how perfectly God loves you, personally, makes it easier to have faith and walk in love. So this is my call to action for you, dear reader:
Give up fear with me! What is one area that you feel may be being controlled by fear? What is the fear of? What are the implications? How can you begin to trust more in that one area of your life? Answer these questions and then begin your own journey to FEAR NOT! Share your journey with BlessedBeatz by tagging #blessedbeatz on social media or messaging us here.
No more fear for the rest of the year.
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