Sarah Jakes Roberts Releases NEW Book

Women Evolve Released on Monday
Sarah Jakes Roberts, co-Pastor of The Potter's House One LAxDenver and founder of Woman Evolve, released her fourth book this Monday! Named after her organization, or in her words, "the movement", Women Evolve is a book to call out the fully evolved woman in you and introduce her to the truth of who God has created her to be. Pastor Roberts, faithful to keeping it real and vulnerable, has shared in the past weeks of how launching this book has caused her to address her fears and insecurities. She has focused on intentionally remembering what God told and promised her as she wrote the book and the power behind those words.
Released yesterday, Woman Evolve has already begun to make waves across the world of entertainment and in the lives of women, and therefore, men, everywhere. Pastor Sarah shared in an interview yesterday: "I wrote the book as if I was talking to a friend. I want anyone that reads to feel like they are hearing from an aunt, cousin, or big sister." From Insecure actress and comedienne, Yvonne Orji to the every day woman, like me, this book is something worth reading and allowing God to change your life through it.
As the title suggests, get ready to "Break up with your fears and revolutionize your life"! With this book, Pastor Roberts wanted to make sure that one thing got done: No Woman is Left Behind.
Purchase the book anywhere books can be sold!
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